Monday, October 22, 2007

26k girls and the head of household

Today's episode of PBB Celebrity Edition 2 revolves around the punishment of the 26k girls and the game the other housemates played, color game for the ultimate Head of Household.

At first, among the 2 of 26k girls, I thought Marylaine had the positive outlook, easy to be with aura compared with the pasaway, papansin Jen. But I was wrong, as revealed by tonights episode.

Jen seems to be the more worthy. She thinks more, understands more and has the more positive outloook. All the while, Marylaine, not fully grasping Kuya's instructions, erroneously committed mistakes after mistakes to the point that the only escape goat is to voluntary exit not considering her partner. In the end, they both realize the reality that they have to think as one.

Another exciting part of the episode was the Head of the Household Color game wherein the house mates have to wear hand costume and be able to touch each color first. The last person to react gets booted.

Ethel emerged as the winner and gets the privilege of immunity for the next nomination + a chance to automatically reflect a spell and a special shower whom she chooses. In the end, she chose Mariel. The two end up happy, while cleaning the pen of Penny.

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